reactance theory definition

Engage in the new restricting attitude or behavior. Reactance theory describes the pattern of behaviors that occur in an individual when they feel their freedoms are being taken away or restricted. New York, Academic Press, 1966 (DLC) 66027018 (OCoLC)223342: Material Type: Document, Internet resource: Document Type: Internet Resource, Computer File: All Authors / Contributors: Jack Williams Brehm Trait reactance refers to an individual’s predisposition to perceive situations as threats to his/her freedom and to act with reactance (for an overview of trait reactance, see e.g., ). Brehm's Reactance Theory: Definition & Overview | … It is expressed in ohms. Narcissists have an inflated sense of entitlement, so they should be more prone to reactance, because they are more likely than others to believe they deserve things that they are not getting. Meter Psychological reactance: A theory of freedom and control. Suggest new definition. Reactance definition, the opposition of inductance and capacitance to alternating current, expressed in ohms: equal to the product of the sine of the angular phase difference between current and voltage and the ratio of the effective voltage to the effective current. It is basically a geometrical representation of circuit impedance.. AC Theory. An example of such behavior can be observed when an individual engages in a prohibited activity in order to deliberately taunt the authority who prohibits it, regardless of the utility or disutility that the activity confers. Resistance, Reactance and Impedance As the frequency approaches infinity the inductors reactance would also increase to infinity acting like an open circuit. Reactance theory asserts that we want things we _____ we had or could have, but now view as threatened or eliminated 1)Firmness with which freedom is … According to a field of study called reactance theory, writes Dr. Cialdini, Whenever free choice is limited or threatened, the … From the above equation for inductive reactance, it can be seen that if either of the Frequency or Inductance was increased the overall inductive reactance value would also increase. Thus for a particular value of flux in the core, it may happen so that inductive reactance becomes equal to capacitive reactance. Narcissistic Reactance Theory in Social Psychology ... Reactance is an unpleasant motivational arousal (reaction) to offers, persons, rules, or regulations that threaten or eliminate specific behavioral freedoms.Reactance occurs when a person feels that someone or something is taking away their choices or limiting the range of alternatives. Resistance is unaffected by the rate of change of voltage or current and remains the same whether DC, or AC of any frequency is applied. As the frequency approaches infinity the inductors reactance would also increase to infinity acting like an open … Psychological reactance. ( rɪˈæktəns) n. 1. Reactance (also known as electrical reactance) is defined as the opposition to the flow of current from a circuit element due to its inductance and capacitance. Where: ƒ is the Frequency and L is the Inductance of the Coil and 2πƒ = ω. What does REACTANCE mean? Thus the reactance of a capacitor goes down as the frequency increases. Capacitive Reactance is the complex impedance of a capacitor who’s value changes with respect to the applied frequency. ... Reactance theory. This resonance is called Ferroresonance. The reactance to the circuit is the opposition in the flow of varying current. We react against anything that threatens to limit our freedoms. In accordance with reactance theory (Brehm, 1966), this view is supported as the organization is creating and continuing the controlled work situation through higher levels of centralization and formalization, as well as limiting employees' autonomy and freedom and causing a negative "reactance. The total reactance (X) is equal to the difference between the two: Total Reactance, X =X L – X c. a. Capacitive Reactance X c. The reactance, which is large at low frequencies and small at high frequencies is known as capacitive reactance (X c). The … We use capacitors in AC and DC circuits. Psychological reactance: A theory of freedom and control. Definition of Reactance. 1 A General Reference Work on Telephony, etc. Reactance is essentially the inertia against the motion of electrons in an electrical circuit i.e. The symbol for reactance is X. 1. Current Limiting Reactor: A current limiting reactor is an inductive coil having a large value of inductive reactance and is put in service for limiting short-circuit currents during a fault condition. It is evident that increasing the number of prescriptions or proscriptions would increase the likelihood that more highly valued freedoms are affected. The base, perpendicular and hypotenuse represents Resistance, Reactance and Impedance respectively. magnitude of reactance. Any device in which wire is wound circularly is an inductor. Reactanceascognitionand/oraffect To address the issue of how reactance should be conceptualized, Dillard and Shen (2005) advanced the claim that reactance might be considered cognition and/or affect. Looking for online definition of reactance or what reactance stands for? etc. Pre-elecdion data from the 1960 and 1964 studies conducted by the Survey Research Center of the Haidt, J. Mathematically, ωL = 1/ωC. Academic Press. The reactance of a circuit is equal to the component of the impressed electro-motive force at right angles to the current divided by the current, that is, the component of the impedance due to the self-inductance or capacity of the circuit. New York: Pantheon Books. If we apply voltage V 1 across primary of transformer, there will be a component I 1 X 1 to balance primary self induced emf due to primary leakage reactance. For a behavior to be free, the individual must have the relevant physical and psychological abilities to partake in it, and must know they can engage in it at the moment, or in the near future. We may find ourselves resistant to things that would otherwise benefit us because we don’t believe we have a choice. how the personality of rapists intersects with situational factors to produce reactance. The adjustable resistor R adj controls the field current and, therefore, the rotor magnetic field. What does REACTANCE mean? Capacitive Reactance is the complex impedance of a capacitor who’s value changes with respect to the applied frequency. There are two types of reactance: capacitive reactance (X c) and inductive reactance (X L). Inductors are typically available in the range from 1 µH (10-6 H) to 20 H. Many inductors have a magnetic core made of ferrite or iron inside the coil, which is used to increase the magnetic field and thus the inductor’s inductance.. According’s to Faraday’s law of electromagnetic induction, when an electric current flowing through an inductor or coil changes, … The theory describing a motivational state consisting of distress, anxiety and desire to restore freedoms taken away when an individual responds to a perceived threat or to loss of a freedom. It is present in all circuits, and in all components. Reactance can cause the person to … Capacitive reactance is measured in ohms of reactance like resistance, and depends on the frequency of the applied voltage and the value of the capacitor. Definition of reactance. Academic Press. (Electronics) the opposition to the flow of alternating current by the capacitance or inductance of an electrical circuit; the imaginary part of the impedance Z, Z = R + i X, where R is the resistance, i = √–1, and X is the reactance. This 4-hour course provides a basic overview of reactance theory, with emphasis placed on calculating inductive and capacitive reactance and impedance in AC circuits, as well as reactive and true power. a condition producing the opposite effect of that desired--in response to certain persuasive messages. social influence. REACTANCE THEORY. Reactance Definition and Meaning: Reactance is a disagreeable emotional and cognitive reaction that results from the restriction of one’s freedom. Definition of Reactance. Definition and Basic React ance Concepts. reactance theory focused on situational causes of reactance, specifically that reactance is a motivational state aroused by a freedom-threatening situation, it has been argued that reactance can also be a trait, not just a state (Leander et al., 2016). Reactance Theory. Reactance . Just like resistance, the unit of reactance is the Ohm. Moreover, empirical Reactance theory, following the tradition of dissonance theory, is a theory of motivation. It seems like human nature if someone tells us no, that we feel controlled and want to rebel. X stands for Reactance. Susceptance is the reciprocal of reactance (good for pure inductors and capacitors) and admittance is the reciprocal of impedance (totally general), and that's as close as you'll get. The unit Ohm for resistance is independent of frequency; it is just the ratio of voltage to current. Thus for a particular value of flux in the core, it may happen so that inductive reactance becomes equal to capacitive reactance. This definition appears very frequently and is found in the following Acronym Finder categories: Science, medicine, engineering, etc. Jack Brehm was born in 1928 and grew up in Des Moines, Iowa. X → Inductive Reactance (Ω/1000f) V n → Phase to neutral voltage U n → Phase to phase voltage Φ → Phase angle of the load. (Here, X 1 is primary leakage reactance). Inductive reactance can be defined as the opposition cause by an inductor to the flow of current from an alternating waveform. Resistance and Reactance are properties of an electrical circuit that opposes current. The main difference between resistance and reactance is that resistance measures the opposition to a flow of current, whereas reactance measures the opposition to a change in current. Psychological Reactance: A Theory of Freedom and Control provides information pertinent to the fundamental aspects of reactance theory. Where: ƒ is the Frequency and L is the Inductance of the Coil and 2πƒ = ω. The originator of the theory of psychological reactance was Jack Brehm in the year 1966. This also motivates them to perform the threatened behavior, thus proving that their free will has not been compromised. Noun. This resonance is … Thus for the above value of transformer inductance L, resonance will take place. It is denoted by the symbol R and is measured in units of the Greek symbol ohm. The obstruction to the flow of alternating or changing current in electric circuits is known as reactance. Reactance is measured in ohms. And is measured in ohms, the symbol (Ω). Often, armature reactance and self-inductance are combined into the synchronous reactance of the machine: X X X SA V E jX I RI I A S A A Therefore, the phase voltage is The equivalent circuit of a 3-phase synchronous generator is shown. Reactance (psychology) Part of a series on. Reactance is an unpleasant motivational arousal (reaction) to offers, persons, rules, or regulations that threaten or eliminate specific behavioral freedoms. Reactance occurs when a person feels that someone or something is taking away their choices or limiting the range of alternatives. Reactance Theory I’m sure we can all come up with a time when Mom, Dad, Grandma, or teacher told you not to do something and of course all we want to do is that forbidden behavior. Impedance, resistance and Reactance difference is explained in this video tutorial part 1. • … We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. From the above equation for inductive reactance, it can be seen that if either of the Frequency or Inductance was increased the overall inductive reactance value would also increase. thus does not deal with gene ral moral principles but rathe r. The theory that explains how the relationship a child has with a caregiver with an early age can impact their behavior in relationships later in life is known as: a. Hyperpersonalization theory b. Relational maintenance theory c. Categorization theory d. Attachment theory e. Development-interactionist theory L = 1/ω 2 C as L is variable here. In an electrical circuit, it is mathematically the ratio of the potential difference V and the current flows between two points in that circuit. : the part of the impedance of an alternating-current circuit that is due to capacitance or inductance or both and that is expressed in ohms. AC welding sets supplying power for arc welding consist mainly of welding transformers. The Free Dictionary. Meet Reactance X. Reactance (symbol X) is a value that opposes the current of capacitance and inductance. • Since inductive reactance varies with frequency and inductance the formula for this is X l =2πfL where f is frequency and L is Henrys and X l is in Ohms. Embrace the attitude or behavior threatened by the proscription. It is therefore possible to calculate the reactance of an inductance. Reactance - What does reactance stand for? boomerang effect. First introduced by Brehm (1968), this theory posits that individuals believe they have certain freedoms and choices and if these are threatened then negative reactions occur. For a behavior to be free, the individual must have the relevant physical and psychological abilities to partake in it, and must know they can engage in it at the moment, or in the near future. And like the nut, the theory, taken with a little salt, can be quite satisfying. "free behaviors" individuals perceive and can take part in at any given moment. A circular mil is really a unit of area. In the RC Network tutorial we saw that when a DC voltage is applied to a capacitor, the capacitor itself draws a charging current from the supply and charges up to a value equal to the applied voltage. A trusted reference in the field of psychology, offering more than 25,000 clear and authoritative entries. Reactance (X c) of an object as shown in Equation (5), is defined as resistance to voltage variation across the object and is inversely related with signal frequency (f) and capacitance (C) . What is REACTANCE? Description. Mathematically, ωL = 1/ωC. Reactance Theory. That, in the shell of a macadamia nut, is the theory of psychological reactance. It is given by the equation, X L = V L / I L = Lω. Thus, there may be two manifestations of the occurrence of reactance: actual attempts to restore freedom, and increased perceived attractiveness of the lost or threatened option. – The purpose of this paper is to focus on the resistance to change in the organizational contexts where a soon‐to‐be‐implemented change initiative infringes upon freedoms of the employees. According to the theory, if indivi duals feel that any of their. Now if we also consider voltage drop … if they’re stubborn, irritable or emotional, and are less prone if they’re if they’re agreeable and compliant. Definition: Impedance Triangle is a right angled triangle whose base, perpendicular and hypotenuse represents Resistance, Reactance and Impedance respectively. The theory of psycho­logical reactance would predict that a forbidden object becomes more alluring, because when something is forbidden, that impinges on your freedom of choice and arouses the opposite reaction (the need for freedom). Theory of psychological reactance. See other definitions of X. Using Brehm’s description of reactance, it is “a motivational state and as such is assumed to have energizing and behavior-directing properties” ( Brehm & Brehm, 1981, p. 98 ). The Relevance of Reactance Theory This paper suggests how a theory, psychological reactance, developed and tested within experimental social psychology, may be employed to provide a new perspective from which to understand political behavior. The reactance to the circuit is the opposition in the flow of varying current. Calculations of resistance in AC circuits are the same as for DC. Capacitive reactance is the opposition offered by a capacitor to the flow of electric current through it. Reactance is similar to electric resistance, although it differs in several respects. 1. the perceived importance of … Psychological Reactance Theory (Brehm 1966) accounts for how individuals become aversively aroused when perceived freedoms are threatened by overtly persuasive messages. It can occur when someone is heavily pressured to accept a certain view or attitude. reactance. The righteous mind: Why good people are divided by … Voltage drops in the windings occur due to impedance of transformer.Impedance is combination of resistance and leakage reactance of transformer. The theory of psychological reactance developed by Jack Brehm states that "whenever free choice is limited or threatened, the need to retain our freedoms makes us desire them (as well as the goods and services associated with them) significantly more than previously" (245). Other Resources: We have 1 other meaning … In the RC Network tutorial we saw that when a DC voltage is applied to a capacitor, the capacitor itself draws a charging current from the supply and charges up to a value equal to the applied voltage. Reactance occurs when a person feels that someone or something is taking away their choices or limiting the range of alternatives. It is basically a geometrical representation of circuit impedance. It is used for referring to the circular cross-sectional area of the wire or conductor. Psychological reactance is a cognitive bias that was initially studied by Brehm in 1966 that describes the extreme reactions human beings experience when we feel as though we are being pushed towards doing something or as though our freedom to make our own choices is being threatened. After graduating from Harvard, Jack attended graduate school at the University of Minnesota, working with Leon Festinger. This is a comprehensive expression of any and all forms of opposition to current flow, including both resistance and reactance. Reactance theory assumes there are “free behaviors” individuals perceive and can take part in at any given moment. Definition. There are two types of reactance: capacitive reactance (Xc) and inductive reactance (X L). Trait reactance is defined as an individual’s general To distinguish the two kinds of reactance, that due to the capacity is called _capacity reactance_ and that due to inductance is called _inductive reactance_.. Cyclopedia of Telephony & Telegraphy Vol. The behavior of the capacitor is different for AC and DC. Reactance is similar to resistance in that larger reactance leads to smaller currents for the same applied voltage. "Following this notion, these deviant acts are likely to be directed toward the authoritative … Reactance is measured in ohms (). Reactance is a motivational state that provokes individuals to seek to restore their threatened or lost freedom ( Brehm, 1966 ). reactance is listed in the World's largest and most authoritative dictionary database of abbreviations and acronyms. To specify a specific type of reactance, a subscript is used. Psychological reactance can affect us at home, at work, and throughout our personal lives. (page 271) Term. Reactance, X. Reactance (symbol X) is a measure of the opposition of capacitance and inductance to current. Psychology Glossary. X c is infinite for steady DC, at zero frequency (f=0Hz). People tend to be highly motivated to preserve their freedom and may react negatively to commands, rules or actions that are perceived as a threat to certain individual freedoms. The capacitive reactance depends on the frequency. Steady electric currents flowing along conductors in one direction undergo opposition called electrical resistance, but no reactance.Reactance is present in addition to resistance when conductors carry alternating current. Inductive reactance which is given the symbol X L is the property in an AC circuit that opposes the change in the current. The welding transformer reduces the voltage from that of the supply down to about 70 V to 100 V which is the value needed for initiating the arc. Haidt, J. When people feel that their freedom to choose an action is threatened, they get an unpleasant feeling called ‘reactance’. Using impedance triangle we can find the resistance if the impedance and reactance is known. Reactance theory is a standard psychological belief that we see today in countless ways. Reactance can occur when someone is heavily pressured to accept a certain view or attitude. Symbol: X … What is REACTANCE? The many ways people affect one another, including changes in attitudes, beliefs, feelings, and behavior resulting from the comments, actions, or even the mere presence of others. Further, a circuit made entirely of elements that have only reactance (and no resistance) can be treated the same way as a circuit made entirely of elements with no reactance (pure resistance). Psychological reactance occurs in response to threats to perceived behavioral freedoms. (2012). According to the theory when an individual feels forced into a certain behavior, they will react against the coercion. It can be treated in a similar way to electrical resistance. Reactance theory is a concept in social psychology which holds that people will react against attempts to curtail their choices and influence their decisions by finding the object of these restrictions ever more attractive, and by adopting an opposing viewpoint as a way of resisting pressure. Reactance is a motivation that occurs in response to an attempt to limit freedom such as freedom of choice, expression or privacy. Inductive reactance (X L) is that portion of total circuit reactance contributed by coils, chokes, and transformer windings. 2. The voltage drop using mils is given by From the equation, it is clear that inductive reactance is proportional to frequency. This book discusses a number of special topic areas to which the reactance theory seems especially relevant. The controlling means (6) makes the capacitor (2) to generate the voltage compensating for the reactance voltage portion of the alternating-current load by controlling the phase of the gate control signal of the reverse conductive type semiconductor switches synchronously with the voltage of the AC power source (4), and controls the load voltage applied to the alternating … We install a current limiting reactor in feeders and ties, in generator leads, and between the bus sections to reduce the magnitude of short-circuit currents and also to reduce … Reactance varies with the frequency of the electrical signal. First introduced by Brehm (1968), this theory posits that individuals believe they have certain freedoms and choices and if these are threatened then negative reactions occur. Inductive reactance. • Ohms law for inductance is the same as that used to combine resistances in series and parallel circuits. Reactance is an emotional reaction in direct contradiction to rules or regulations that threaten or eliminate specific behavioral freedoms. the idea that people become upset when their freedom is threatened or eliminated, so much so that they attempt to reassert their lost freedom. The simplest theoretical framework definition describes it as a collection of theories or interrelated concepts. The righteous mind: Why good people are divided by politics and religion. Reactance is operationalized as an amalgam of anger and negative cognitions ( Dillard and Shen, 2005 ), preceded by a freedom threat ( Quick and Stephenson, 2008 ). It comprises concepts and their definitions, as well as, a reference to existing theory and scholarly literature that will be used in a particular study. In biological systems resistance is caused by total water across the body, and reactance occurs due to the capacitance of the cell membrane [5,10]: Reactance can occur when someone is heavily pressured to accept a certain … The only extra thing to remember when Thus for the above value of transformer inductance L, resonance will take place. (2012). Reactance has both magnitude and phase values, and further separates into inductive and capacitive components. Reactance is an unpleasant motivational arousal to offers, persons, rules, or regulations that threaten or eliminate specific behavioral freedoms. The reactance and narcissism components of the theory may seem independent, but there are several overlaps. In psychology, reactance refers to a way in which a person thinks or behaves when perceiving a threat to his or her freedom. the attribute against the flow of electrons in an electrical circuit. The obstruction to the flow of alternating or changing current in electric circuits is known as reactance. Reactance is mathematically symbolized by the letter “X” and is measured in the unit of ohms (Ω). Reactance can cause the person to adopt or strengthen a view or attitude that is contrary to what was intended and also increases resistance to persuasion. Specifically, the role of affect was explored within the framework of psychological reactance theory, delineating salience of affect as a driver of the intention to … Keep an eye out and you'll see evidence of it in your everyday life. "Following this notion, these deviant acts are likely to be directed toward the … Greater reactance leads to smaller currents for the same applied voltage. Impedance Triangle is a right angle triangle whose sides represent the impedance. In accordance with reactance theory (Brehm, 1966), this view is supported as the organization is creating and continuing the controlled work situation through higher levels of centralization and formalization, as well as limiting employees' autonomy and freedom and causing a negative "reactance. PHY2054: Chapter 21 19 Power in AC Circuits ÎPower formula ÎRewrite using Îcosφis the “power factor” To maximize power delivered to circuit ⇒make φclose to zero Max power delivered to load happens at resonance E.g., too much inductive reactance (X L) can be cancelled by increasing X C (e.g., circuits with large motors) 2 P ave rms=IR rms ave rms rms rms cos A reactance theory interpretation The high rates of noncompliance in connection with complex and/or lengthy regimens may be at least partially explained by reactance theory. Reactance theory assumes there are "free behaviors" individuals perceive and can take part in at any given moment. Circular Mils and Voltage Drop Calculation. Definition and Basic Reactance Concepts According to the theory, if individuals feel that any of their free behaviors, in which they can engage at any moment or Later on, Brehm and Sensenig together applied this theory in the course of interpreting the boomerang effect. Reactance is a psychological defence mechanism that we utilise more or less subconsciously in order to try and get … The reactance changes with the frequency of the electrical signal. reactance, in electricity, measure of the opposition that a circuit or a part of a circuit presents to electric current insofar as the current is varying or alternating. Impedance. Definition of Reactance. After high school, he served in the Navy and then attended Harvard College. In a purely resistive circuit Ohms law applies and V= IR. Research in social influence demonstrates that individuals often move in the direction demanded by a leader (obedience) or modeled by a majority (conformity), and cognitive dissonance theory suggests that individuals will depreciate the items and activities that are denied them ( “ sour grapes ” ). Reactance theory describes the pattern of behaviors that occur in an individual when they feel their freedoms are being taken away or restricted. The theory of psycho­logical reactance would predict that a forbidden object becomes more alluring, because when something is forbidden, that impinges on your freedom of choice and arouses the opposite reaction (the need for freedom). on the theory warrant reconsidering the nature of reactance using contemporary constructs that are amenable to direct measurement. In this topic, you study Welding Transformer – Theory, Types & Diagram. Definition.

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reactance theory definition